Firewise Community

Firewise USA is a national program that emphasizes community involvement and provides important information for residents to reduce the risk of wildland fire igniting homes. The Valley at Winter Park has been a Firewise Community since 2013. The proximity to large tracts of wildland and the staggering Lodgepole Pine die-off from the mountain pine beetle epidemic makes the threat of wildfire very real. Firewise shows us how to adapt and live in a high risk area by helping us proactively reduce wildfire risks. The Grand County Wildfire Council gives us local information to help us keep up to date on activities (chipping days), opportunities (cost sharing grants) and burn days, and they promote Firewise.
Being Firewise is beneficial for your property and your neighbors. At the Valley at Winter Park, we all strive to respect our neighbors and to do our part to maintain our properties.
Below, you will find 3 different categories of information that we have divided into helpful sections! You can easily register, download documents, and find out much more about our Firewise Community.