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The Owner Directory

The Owner Directory is an Opt-Out listing of owner names, email addresses and mobile phone numbers.  The directory is intended to help the community know how to contact one another for non urgent or non community-wide social matters.  We have Urgent Messaging and Social Media tools outlined in the Community Links / Communications section of the website.


The Owner Directory shouldn't be used to send mass emails to the community (as the Social Page is there for that) nor to sent individual complaints about other owners in the community or the community as a whole.  Regular HOA and Water District meetings are where to voice concerns verbally, in chat windows and via the email addresses for the HOA's Board of Directors and Water District.  So please refrain from use such as that or we'll have to reconsider posting it.


The Owner Directory is here, but it is password protected.  Please join the Urgent Messaging WhatsApp group or send an Email to to get the current password (as it will be changed occasionally).



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